søndag 2. oktober 2011

Sundays with Santa ~ Week 4

Hvis noen spør meg: 
Hvilken julepynt betyr mest for deg, og hvorfor?
Blir svaret:
Det er enne krusnissen som jeg fikk av min Bestemor og dette var den aller  første nissen jeg fikk ;D
Min nissesamling starta altså med denne, selv om min samletrang ikke starta den gangen, så ble nok min glede over nissefigurer starta dengang.
Bestemor hadde nok vært overraska om hun hadde sett min samling nå.
If someone asks me:
What Christmas ornament means the most to you and why?
The answer is:
It is this Santa Claus that I got from my Grandma and this was the first Santa Claus I got.
My Santa collection started with this, the collection don't started at that time, but my joy of Santa Claus figures started then. I think my grandma has been surprised, if she had seen my collection now. Bay the way, this Nisse is made in Germany
Jeg deltar på 
"Sundays with Santa" 
ta en titt da vel!


5 kommentarer:

Sanna sa...

Sv: Ja, det ska bli fantastiskt roligt! Jag hoppas på det bästa ;)

Dorothy sa...

This is so special, and now you have over 2,000! How wonderful to have such a love of Santa Claus!

Carrie sa...

What a treasure from your grandma...and it's one that adds special sentiment to holiday time!

Celestial Charms sa...

How very special that this Santa is from your Grandma. That would make it my favorite! So cute. Thanks for showing it to us.

Joy Burkhart sa...

I love that cute Santa playing the sax, Thanks for stopping by my Christmas blog!